Sudava Basic school is a small village school. The village of Sudava is 80 km away from the city Kaunas.Our school provides preschool, primary and basic education.There are 154 pupils between 6 to 16 years old, 13 of them having special educational needs. In our school there teach 29 teachers.
Pupils are able to learn two foreign languages: English language as the first foreign language and Russian or German as the second one. Pupils and teachers so take part in various projects such as eTwinning projects (we have implemented over 30 so far), translation contests, and social projects.
We also collaborate with our community including parents by organizing various local events and other activities at school. We have participated in two Comenius projects so far. Currently, we are participating in 2016-2018 KA2 Erasmus+ project called “Cooperative teaching and learning to change behaviors. Ecological footprint at school”. Our aim is to help students and all our community to educate national identity, know and cherish Lithuanian culture, understand its vitality and constant renewal, similarities and differences with other cultures. We also would like them to realise that they are who cherish culture, educate respect not just for their own culture but also for others as well. We are also aiming to educate students to participate in cultural life, cherish and spread cultural heritage, appreciate different forms and phenomena of culture.Our school community regularly organises local activities and school trips related to cultural heritages, there. Culture and cultural heritages are very important for us,for this reason we would like to participate this project.